Essential Facts you didn’t know about Seal Coating

By sealcoating, it is possible to restore a faded and dreary asphalt pavement. To protect a paved surface from damage caused due to snow, rain, and UV rays, a thin liquid layer is added by the sealcoating contractors in Raleigh, North Carolina.

There are various other facts about seal coating that you should be aware of. Through this blog post, we have discussed the essential ones.

It helps you save money
The cost of regular sealcoating is quite reasonable. You will realize it is almost negligible when compared with the cost of repair or replacement of asphalt surface.

The professionals rely on one of the two methods of sealcoating application: squeegee and spray. They will usually provide this information before taking the project.

Protection against water
The melting process of ice and snow gets accelerated on pavement surfaces due to sealcoating. This is crucial for protecting the surface from snow, rain, or frost damage. The surface remains protected also against water penetration.

The optimum temperature
The temperature of the air and pavement should not be less than 55 degrees Fahrenheit during sealcoating process. This temperature should be maintained for at least eight hours after application.

Preparation is essential
Your contractor should remove debris and dirt before pavement sealing. A reliable asphalt sealcoat company also fills cracks and potholes.

Trust Paving Professionals Inc for all sealcoating requirements. Learn more about the services from here:


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